food and beverage underground

Wine Astrology, What it Says About You

Check out your star sign and discover what wine astrology pairs you with!


Very definitely red – with a peppery kick that says: “Notice me!” and a hue that glows in the light suggesting the heat and warmth of a smouldering fire.


White or red as long as it’s good quality, smooth and slips down like satin. White has more calories though, and as Taureans are prone to weight gain, better to have reds more often.


White, light and sometimes sparkling. Not too dry, and delightful chilled but still good when you forget to put it in the fridge and can’t wait for it cool!


Dolce, dolce, molto dolce! This sign loves and even adores sweet white wines and also those that are medium sparkling. If it's received as a present – so much the better, so much the sweeter!


White wines with a golden hue, full of the sun and warmth of Italy, from Lake Garda to the island of Sicily. If it has a good lineage and fine family name this sign will be irresistibly hooked!


White or red but white is preferred. Is it organic? Are the vines lovingly tended in a happy environment? It’s got to be good, then! I’ll take some oil, too!


Soft, gentle whites and rich fruity reds that bring people together and make for truly convivial, and also romantic, evenings.


Rich, dark, strong passionate reds, with irresistible smoothness and seductive fragrances, from well-established cantinas that are known for their exclusivity and discretion.


Wine tasting is an adventure. This sign will try them all – including the rose –to discover the excitement and satisfaction of finding a real gem – especially if the price is right, too!


Pedigree is the keyword, here. White or red, if it has noble ancestry and an established history, it’s a must have. If it is difficult to acquire and rare to find, you’ll find it in Capricorn’s cellar.


The newest and/or most novel wines in any year will attract. White wines may be preferred but red will be accepted. Is it different? Is it unusual? Does it drink well un-aged? Is it reasonably priced? I’ll have it, then!


Crystal clear whites with a light fruity quality and a gentle subtle perfume are a delight to this sign. Dry or medium, either will suit. Can be sparkling for a special occasion!

How accurate was your wine astrology?

From Wine Astrology to Types of Red Wine

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