food and beverage underground

Alsace Wines

Alsace wines are remarkably delicious, and have an aromatic richness that makes my heart sing. Just thinking about writing this article, made me want to go out and pick up few
bottles to drink. Most of all of the wines are named by their grape varietal, which makes them easily understandable. To understand these wines, one will have to separate Sylvaner and Pinot Blanc into a light, fruity, and very drinkable wines. The second group includes some of Alsace’s finest wines, Riesling, Muscat, Pinot Gris or Tokay d’ Alsace, Pinot Noir, and Gewurztraminer. Alsace wines are sometimes compared to their neighbor’s wines, Germany, but are more like Austria’s full tasting dry whites. Alsace is one of the most northerly French wine regions, and seems as though would be to cold, but tucked into Vosges foothills keeps this area dry and sheltered.

Gewurztraminer has a beautiful pink grape skin, but comes out to be a spicy, assertive white wine. A good year produces a spicy, rich, delicate, floral, dried fruit, and ripe finish. With age, this wine takes on a citrusy, almost grapefruit intensity. Muscat is an aromatic white that is dry, full, a rich finish. This crisp wine is light enough for an aperitif.

Pinot Blanc makes fresh, dry whites with a touch of Burgundian character. Also this grape is used to make a wonderful sparkling, Cremant d’ Alsace.

Pinot Noir is the only red grape in Alsace, making a fruity, light, and aromatic red wine.

Pinot Gris (or Tokay Pinot Gris ) not to be confused with the delicious Hungary sweet version, this wine is a perfect partner for foie gras. Pinot Gris isn’t as aromatic as the rest of Alsace wines, but has a floral, nutty nose, full bodied, and one of the best Alsace makes.

Riesling makes long lived wine with great fruit, and a touch of mineral characteristics. This wine in great years are long lived and off years can be unceremonious. Sylvaner is a great everyday drinking wine with pleasing fresh fruity characteristics.

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From Alsace Wines to Burgundy Wine

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