food and beverage underground

The "Must Attend" Food and Beverage Events 2016

There are several events throughout the country that are great events to learn from, but these are the food and beverage must attend events. Not only are these events designed for the food and beverage community but they are a food and beverage dream. From outstanding events in the cooking world to first class wine events to the ultimate in beer parties these events are absolute musts and the cream of the crop! Check back here often for announcements of upcoming events.

If you intend on a career in food and beverage you need to attend each and every one of these events at least once in your life, what am I saying, attend them once and you'll be back year after year!


Nightclub & Bar Covention and Trade Show

March 7-9, 2016
Las Vegas, Nevada

This three day event is always jam packed with events, workshops and experiences that everyone in the nightclub and bar business should attend. Head out early or stay out late but make sure to enjoy Vegas while your there!.

If you are in the business this is one food and beverage event that can't be missed!
Nightclub & Bar 2016

NRA International Food Show

May 21-24, 2016
Chicago, Illinois

The National Restaurant Associations annual event is a food and beverage delight. The festival runs from May 21-24, 2016 at venues throughout the city and offers something for everyone.

If you are in the business this is one food and beverage event that can't be missed!
NRA 2016 Food Show

Food and Wine Classic in Aspen

June 17-19, 2016
Aspen Colorado

The FOOD & WINE Classic in Aspen celebrates its 34th anniversary in 2016 as America's premier culinary event. It consists of three incomparable days of cooking demonstrations, wine tastings and panel discussions by world-class chefs and wine experts. Year after year, noteworthy talent includes experts such as Mario Batali, Gail Simmons, JosÈ AndrÈs, Jacques PÈpin, Joshua Wesson and more. This year promises to be another year of excitement so make sure to get your tickets early!
Aspen Food and Wine Classic

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