food and beverage underground

Selected Chef Profile and Questionnaire

Food and Beverage Underground ( has been exploding as a major resource and meeting place for the food and beverage community and we would love for you to have your piece of real estate on the site!

We are getting ready to launch our social media aspect of the site and we would love to get you involved. We are inviting many of the worlds top chefs such as yourself to have a special profile page and interview on the site.

If you would answer some of the questions below we will be more than happy to create your presence on the site. We will also be more than happy to include any promotion for any projects you are currently involved with or will be involved with and or any books or ventures you have out there today.

As soon as this form is submitted you will recieve a "Thank You" letter from us. If you would respond to that letter and attach a profile on you (and any pics you may want to include) we can build your page.

After we have the profile/interview page set up we will forward you a proof to make sure it is presented in a manor you are happy with.

We really are excited about the project and want to make sure it is a win-win for everyone involved.

Thank you in advance for taking the time out of your schedule and we look forward to working with you again in the near future. Please feel free to contact us at any time if you have any comments or suggestions for the site or if you would like to be further involved. We are new, but we are growing quickly!

Please answer the questions you feel you would like to share with the community
Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.
First Name*
Last Name*
E-mail Address
Web Site URL
Street Address
Zip/Postal Code
Business Phone
Current projects
Books in print
What is the best advice you ever have been given?
What do you feel are the most important characteristics for an up and coming chef?
What is next?
What can people do to keep Culinary alive and striving?
How do you overcome obstacles and weaknesses?
What makes a great first impression to impress you?
What are you doing in this downturn in the economy to help your business?
What kind of person do you refuse to work with?
How do you deal with the day to day pressures?
Describe your management style?
What has been your biggest professional disappointment?
What expectations do you have of your manager? staff?
What is your proudest achievement?
What is your personal mission statement?
What tools and techniques do you use to keep yourself organized?
What do you see as today’s most exciting food trend?
Chef you most admire?
. If you had to name one thing that has contributed the most to your success what would that be?
What three ingredients could you not do without in your kitchen?
Every chef has their favorite “non-chef” comfort food, what is yours?
What do you do to unwind and refocus?
If you had just one meal left what would it be?
How important do you feel the promotion side of the business is to becoming a notable chef today?
What advice would you give to someone with aspirations of becoming a chef?
With the explosion of “Chef” shows on television over the last few years we have found a growing number of people who believe that if they graduate from a culinary program they will be a “Chef”. How important do you feel actual hands on experience before entering a culinary school is?

Please enter the word that you see below.


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