food and beverage underground

HIP Industry Event @ Howl At The Moon (Hollywood) - March 6!

by Gregg White
(Universal City, CA)

Hello Tyler!

Howl At The Moon � Dueling Piano Bar (Universal Citywalk) will be hosting a HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY PROFESSIONAL Party on Tuesday, March 6, 2012 and your entire staff is invited!

The event will be from 8pm-10pm, hosting an OPEN BAR and complimentary Mexican Buffet for our guests!

Please join us for a night of FREE Songs, Food, And Drink!

50% off drinks from 10pm � Close with HIP Card

This event is Invite Only!

Howl at the Moon Hollywood
1000 Universal Studios Blvd
Universal City, 91608

Tuesday, March 6, 2012 at 8:00 PM (PT)

You MUST RSVP for entry!

To RVSP click here:

Gregg White
Sales and Events Manager
Howl at the Moon, Hollywood
P: 818-755-9970
F: 818-755-0632

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