South Dakota Food and Beverage

South Dakota, Mount Rushmore

South Dakota food and beverage is as old as the Black Hills! As South Dakota was being discovered in the Black

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Hills in mid 1870s, everyone had visions of wealth as they searched for gold. The problem was finding food, the most abundant food was the hog, becoming the staple for all prospectors. They often ate the same meals of fried bacon, and beans, corn bread and sourdough bread. As the turn of the century, the menu turned to potatoes, salt pork, and whole wheat bread. They used the cow for milk, butter, and cheese. Water was even scarce. With their state slogan as “Great Faces, Great Places” from all the interesting people and places across the state.

Today the South Dakota f&b scene is thriving throughout the state and the prospects for growth in the industry is high.

South Dakota References

South Dakota Government

Chamber of Commerce

Department of Revenue

Department of Health

Retailers Association

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