Catch The Restaurant Buzz
It’s time to catch the restaurant buzz at Food and Beverage Underground. We are starting this section to allow you, our guests, to share what’s going on in your food and beverage world. If you have something special going on in your city, or at your restaurant our food and beverage community would love to hear about it. The restaurant buzz section is our way to allow you to get involved in the food and beverage community here at Food and Beverage Underground. Use this section to promote you, your city or your restaurant. We are not looking for what your restaurant specials are for the night, but if you are having a special dinner or wine event let us know and we will put it in your cities section. A new restaurant opening, or a new Chef announcement is perfect information to add to the buzz section. If it’s special and food and beverage related we want to share it with our food and beverage community. We have made it simple for you to let us know about anything you feel would fit the buzz. Just send us your information via the form bellow.
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