food and beverage underground

Ginger Carlson Your Kauai Insider

Hello, I’m Ginger Carlson, your Kauai Insider, Product Designer, Caterer, Artist, Food Stylist, Owner, and Chef. I’m here to shine the light on Kauai and the vibrant food and beverage scene here.

Kauai, Kauai drink, cocktail

The one common thread that weaves through the various chapters of my life is my intense love of food, and the natural world that provides it. From my first memories of searching for wild asparagus with my dad along the railroad tracks or climbing cherry trees as a small child, and spending hours playing and devouring luscious ripe cherries until I burst.

In the 70’s, I found myself wanting to be in the kitchen at a time when women were trying to get out! Since then I have never turned back, only looked forward, and thousands of meals later I am still constantly inspired on a daily basis thinking of new, healthy ways to prepare all that Kauai has to offer.

Where did my experience come from?

Caffe Coco, Wailua, Kauai, Hi. 1997 till present.
An artful, casual, and sophisticated eatery located on the coconut coast of Kauai, hidden in a riot of foliage.

Caffe Tosi, St. Joseph, Mi. 1993-1995.
A popular full service caffe in the historic center of town, 5 miles from original Tosi’s. Consultant / Cooking Classes, Santa Cruz, Ca. 1993

Tosi’s Restaurant, Stevensville, Mi.1982 to 1995
Country Italian, 250 seats, these were my Italian years. Specializing in wine tasting dinner with Angelo Gaya, Antonori, Macualan, Randall Grahm, and many more. Tosi’s is now over 60 years old and run by chef Ryan, who I started training when he was 17!

Duff’s Restaurant, St Louis, Mo. from 1972 to 1982.
Still a favorite in the Central West End, 35 years later with the same chef, Jimmy, that I trained!

Join me, your Kauai Insider while I show you this beautiful island!

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