food and beverage underground

Chicora Alley

by Karen Holden
(Greenville, SC)

This visit was our first to Chicora Alley. My husband and I were a little unsure of what to expect as we walked up the stairs to the second level restaurant. When we opened the door we were pleasantly surprised at what we were walking in to. This restaurant looked like a place where you could hang out at the bar for drinks with your friends or bring the kids for a great meal.
There was a long wait so we decided we would wait at the bar. There was not a seat to be had for about 20 minutes. Once we finally got a seat at the bar we decided to eat there to save time.
The bartender was busy with drinks and waiting on her guests. She did a great job. Although she was slammed, we never had to wait for anything. My husband had a burger that was on a fresh baked bun and sweet potatoes. The burger was perfect!! I had a bite (we always share our food)and I do not know how it could have been any better. I ordered nachos. I was a little curious about them but the lady beside me insured me they were delicious. These nachos had mango salsa and grapes on them. Yes, grapes!! They were wonderful!! The best nachos I have ever had. You definitely must try the nachos.
We cannot wait to go back to try something else. The menu seemed great. There was absolutely no way we could have had dessert. Maybe next time. We, without a doubt, will be going back.

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