food and beverage underground

The Peru Food and Beverage Scene

Welcome! Come visit the Peru food and beverage scene. Welcome to the land famous for its of llamas and lost cities, ponchos and piscos, ancient cultures and vice-royalty splendor. Get to know the gastronomy capital of Latin America and probably the Western Hemisphere. Relish the latest rave in gastronomy –the Peruvian cuisine.

Peru, Peru food and beverage, Peruvian sites

Exquisite experiences and vast variety from three major geographical regions: the Costa (arid, rocky Pacific coastline of 8000 kilometers), the Sierra (humungous Andes mountain ranges almost half the size of Peru) and the Selva (the most pristine and largest of the tropical Amazon rainforest) not to mention its myriad influences – Creole, Chinese, Moorish, Japanese, Spanish, aside from its original indigenous cooking. Think royal Inca cuisine. Join me in one of the world’s most remarkable gastronomical encounter from Tumbes to Tacna, from the arid Pacific shores to the astounding Andean peaks, from primeval to present-day. You’ll get your palate pleased no end. Come and enjoy the Peru food and beverage world. Provecho de Peru!

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