food and beverage underground

Ohio Food And Beverage Rocks

The Ohio food and beverage scene rocks, no not just because Cleveland has the rock and roll hall of fame, but also because it's made up of solid Mid-Westerners. Ohio has over 27,000 restaurants accounting for some $16 billion in sales.
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One in ten of Ohio’s workforce are in food and beverage and number well over 500,000.Now that's a commitment to wineing and dining.

Ohio References

Ohio Government

Business Portal


Department of Health

Restaurant Association

Almost half of the US population lives within 500 miles of Ohio so they not only have the numbers on their side; they have a vast talent pool from which to draw from. This has become crystal clear, as so many fine restaurants rivaling anything New York or Chicago has to offer have been opening in recent years.

Explore Cincinnati Ohio Food and Beverage

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