food and beverage underground

Jenny Adams -Food and Beverage Underground Contributor

Jenny Adams

Jenny Adams, bar, Nightclub & Bar, liquor

Jenny worked for three years on staff as the associate editor of Nightclub & Bar magazine. In 2007, she transitioned to fulltime freelance for the food & beverage industry.

Currently, she resides in Birmingham, Ala., working as a contributing editor for Nightclub & Bar magazine and The Southern Beverage Journals. Jenny contributes regularly for a number of publications including Executive Traveler magazine, Delta magazine and Patterson’s Tasting Panel. She is also the Edibles & Elixirs editor of Portico magazine and contributes a monthly bar column to the Miami Herald for the travel section.

Her first book, “Mixing New Orleans, Cocktails & Legends” was published in July of 2007 –– as the official book of the Tales of the Cocktail festival that year. For more information, you may contact her at

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