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Alessia Botturi

Alessia Botturi is a professionally qualified sommelier of the Italian Sommelier Association, with an additional master in professional wine tasting techniques. She is currently pursuing the CSW and CWE qualifications of the Society of Wine Educators.

She was born and raised in Italy, and combine her extensive wine knowledge with a college master in languages and linguistics.

Alessia Botturi, wine, Society of Wine Educators

She started her career in Milan, working for various years in event planning, cooperating with several restaurants, hotels and catering companies.

She speaks various languages, including English, Italian, German and French and has travelled in four continents, researching and learning from the various different traditions and cultures.

In 2006 she relocated to Los Angeles where she translated the book “Food & Wine” into English for the Italian Sommelier Association: the book is used worldwide by the Association for courses and seminars and dictates the principles of the food & wine pairing technique.

Alessia Botturi, wine, Society of Wine Educators

She is the Southern California Sales Manager for a boutique wine importer, also featuring her own Italian wine selection called "Alessia Botturi Selections".

Her wine consulting company, Your Sommelier, organizes successful events and multiple cooperations in the Los Angeles area, collaborating with various restaurants and being responsible for the wine education of the staff.

Alessia is a member of the Italian Sommelier Association, and the Society of Wine Educators, as well as the prestigious City Club on Bunker Hill in Downtown Los Angeles, becoming in 2009 the Chairman of its Wine Society.

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