food and beverage underground

Ruth's Chris - Greenville

by Karen Holden
(Greenville, SC )

Ruth's Chris Greenville stands up to its incredible reputation. It is the steakhouse all others strive to be. Excellent and professional service. Superior food.

If you are on a diet, throw it our the window for the evening. Everything is cooked the real way. The chicken has the skin on it. But it's better than anything you have ever had. My husband and I try not to think about it, we just enjoy it while we are there.

Everything is ala carte. You order your main meal then your side. The sides are big enough to share just one. But they are ALL so good we end up getting two or three to share then bring home the rest.

If you have been to another Ruth's Chris you can expect the same excellent experience. If not, just try it. You will not be disappointed. It's excellent.

This is a high end steak house. I would take my kids here for brunch. Maybe for dinner. But I would prefer to get a babysitter for this one. You will not be looked at funny if you take your kids here. But don't be surprised if your kids are the only ones here. It has a higher price tag. We had wine, appetizer, two entrees, and three sides. Our bill was around $200. But of course we didn't need to order that much. We did have plenty of leftovers for lunch the next day. They do not look at you funny if you ask for the leftovers to be boxed up.

We LOVE this chain. We have been to several loacations in other parts of the country. We are thrilled to have them join us in Greenville, SC. They have a high standard that the Greenville store is standing up to!!

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