food and beverage underground

Rio Grille

by Karen Holden
(Greenville, SC)

Be hungry when you go to the Rio Grille!!! There is food galore. This is unlike anything here in Greenville. This is a Brazilian style restaurant. It is delicious.

The side items are on a buffet bar. You can help yourself to the bar while you are waiting on the meats to come around. There are servers who each have a different meat on a HUGE skewer. When they come to your table, they announce the name of the meat and slice it for you right there. You get to tase all kinds of different things. You have a coaster on the table. One side is red and the other green. When you are ready for more meat, put the coaster on the green side and when you need more time, put it on red. If you miss out on one of the meats, they will be back around.

They also have a full bar with great choices.

Rio Grille also offers coupons in many of the local coupon magazines.

I definitly recommend Rio Grille. Make sure you are hungry!!!

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