food and beverage underground

The New York Food and Beverage Scene

Douglas Beliakoff, Chattanooga food, Chattanooga, food and beverage, Tennessee

Well, what they say about New York food and beverage is true, it has it all. There are almost a half a million food
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and beverage workers in the state and it sales projections are some $27 billion dollars for 2007.You can find everything in New York. New York City has long been a melting pot of cultures all of which have added their mark to the culinary atmosphere there, and it has spread like wild fire through the state. Today the same fine dining and cultural experiences can be found in every New York city and town.

New York References

Business Licensing

Small Business Development Center

Department of State

Alcohol Beverage Control

Department of Health

Restaurant Association

Although New York City has been one of the worlds culinary capitals the knowledge and expertise has been duplicated throughout the state while the individual areas have also held on to their own heritage and local ingredient basket. Where ever you are in New York the New York food and beverage community meets here.

New York Food and Beverage To NYC

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