food and beverage underground

Home Of The Oregon
Food and Beverage Professionals

Oregon food and beverage scene has as much diversity as the state. The diversity stretches from the beautiful Oregon coast to the states high deserts. The state is full of beautiful and surprising areas. From the capital of Salem, to Portland, the largest city, the food and beverage community is thriving.

Oregon regions comprise of the Coast, with 362 miles of sea, Willamette Valley producing great wines year after year, Mt Hood/Gorge area along the Columbia river holds the largest in the State in growing fruits, Eastern Oregon with Painted Hills, and Hells Canyon and the footprints of Lewis and Clark, Central Dessert area with 300 days of sunshine and an impressive list of restaurants and countless possibilities of outdoor fun.

From the Pacific Ocean which produces wonderful crab, to the Columbia River and it's rich Wild Salmon, to the fruit from Willamette Valley Oregon has a bountiful feast. This State has many choices for the dinner table. State symbols are their Chinook Salmon, Oregon grapes, pears, hazelnuts, and Chanterelle mushrooms. The Dungeness crab can make any recipe a delight to have.

Oregon Cities

food and beverage underground Eugene
food and beverage underground Portland
food and beverage underground Salem

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