Exploring Grass Fed Beef - Food and Beverage Today
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In This Issue

Grass Fed Beef
As concerns over our nations food supply grow more people are turning to grass fed beef options

Worth Every Dime

Due to the careful husbandry, and the skill and patience required, Grass fed beef is typically more expensive than a feedlot cattle. These farmers now have to take on the challenge of managing the soil, and managing the pastures to ensure healthy, quality animals. While factory farms, called “confined animal feeding operations” will continue to supply our growing yearly appetite for beef at reasonable prices. This cheap and convenient form offering food, has its problems, including animal stress, abuse, along with pollution, unnecessary use of drugs, antibiotics, low paid farm work, loss of small family farms, and food with less nutritional value. Studies have shown to get the needed amount of Omega 3 fatty acids and Congugated Lineolic Acid (CLA’s), one needs to include animals that have a diet of green forage. CLA’s help build a resistance from cancer cells, turns fat into muscle in the human body, and reduces hyperactivity in children while building the body’s immune system.

Tips of Cooking Grass fed beef

  • Cook to Medium rare
  • Use small amounts of oil to the pan or grill, due to its low fat content
  • Marinate Sirloins, and New Strips
  • Low on time; tenderlize by pounding a few times
  • Stove top is desired due to its 30% cooking time
  • Let the meat rest for 10 minutes after cooking
  • Reduce heat by 50 degrees while cooking in a crockpot
  • Thaw slowly, and don’t cook cold from the refrigerator
  • While cooking hamburgers, add ingredients to add fat.


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