Welcome to Food and Beverage Underground's Forums

Hello all, and welcome to Food and Beverage Underground's community forum section. There are forums for waiters, waitresses, Chefs, cooks, bar tenders, wine, restaurant managers and owners.

The forums have just been added to the site so please keep in mind that it is hungry for comments. So we have left it open to our guests to see what direction you want it to go. We will be monitoring it daily as to assure the content and posts are on topic and lively.

Go to Food and Beverage Underground's Forums

There are a few comments we would like to make before you visit however. First these forums are for the f&b community so please lets keep it about relevant topics. Second please share all you can with the community. We want these to be fun and educational too.

These are also open forums so please lets keep it pretty clean. We have added some word filters, and we don't want to spend a lot of time filtering the site for junk. Just be adults all!

So please have fun with the forums, and contribute often.